Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Poker Tournament Results

Just like to start out by thanking everyone for being relatively on time, except for Yatsco. We had a 10 man (one-table) tournament with a $20 entry fee. The total pot was $200 with the winner taking home $125. Below are the results of the tournament and a little bit about what I can remember during the hand. All the photos below were taken just seconds after the person busted out, some of them werent very happy. The most unhappy was Sympson, he was so unhappy that we werent able to even take a bust-out photo of him.
Id like to take a little credit here for correctly predicting mostly everything that happened that night. I called Hallock wearing his Tony Homo jersey, Yatsco showing up late, Wetzel playing like a retard, Fiz's prediction not coming through, Sympson getting very unlucky, Yatsco playing really aggressive, my brother to go all-in with nothing, Hallock to go on TILT after taking a bad beat, and correctly picking the winner. I guess that really shows that Po's blog really does have some credibility after all.

Here are the results for the tournament. The tournament started at 6:56pm and ended at 12:16am, making the total tourney time at 5 hours and 20 minutes long.

Yatsco called a pre-flop raise from Ryan Wetzel with a 9-5. Therefore I have no sympathy for him getting knocked out the way he did. The flop came down 5-9-J giving Yatsco two pair. Wetzel put out a pot sized bet and Yatsco immediately raised. Wetzel re-raised, followed by Yatsco pushing all-in with an insta-call from Wetzel. Yatsco turned over his two pair while Wetzel foolishly called down 80% of his stack with Q-10, an open ended straight draw. The turn card brought a 10 giving Wetzel many more outs. With 16 outs on the river Wetzel had about a 35% chance to eliminate Yatsco... when the 8 landed on the river it made it 100%. A huge roar was heard from everyone screaming as Yatsco was eliminated. Many people were in disbelief at how the hand was played, but in the end it was Yatsco leaving us in 10th place. He blew $20 in 37 min.

When Yatsco was knocked out Luke said, "Well at least im not going to finish last!" Although shortly after everyone found out why I made him 40-1 to win. He was playing well and even bluffed Hallock out of a decent sized pot. Hallock held K-K and saw a flop of A-9-2. Both players put some money in on the flop, and the turn brought an 8 for a board of A-9-2-8. Luke put out a huge bet and Hallock went into the tank. He eventually folded his K-K in disgust. Luke added to that disgust when he showed J-3. Too bad Luke couldnt make great plays like that all night.
A few minutes later Luke shoved all in with 10-8 of diamonds. Will called with K-K and the flop was no help for Luke, he busted in 9th place. Idiot.

I correctly predicted this before the tournament, Hallock shoves all-in with nothing on TILT. After taking a bad beat vs Mike White in the previous hand Hallock shoved all-in with 9-8 offsuit. I was the original raiser and got a call from Fazzone, so when action came back to me I still had Fazzone behind me to worry about. I eventually folded my favorite hand (Q-10 suited), and Fazzone called with 9-9. Hallock was dead and got no help from the board and was eliminated in 8th place. Turns out I would have won the hand as a Queen fell on the turn.

This was just sad to see. After taking all of Yatsco's chips earlier, Wetzel had pretty much twice as many chips as anyone else at the table. If you have played poker with Wetzel in the past then you know what happens next. A CHOKE. Wetzel donked off $40,000 in chips in 30 min. I was too stunned at his playing to even remember how he got knocked out, but it was embarrassing. We thank you for your $20 donation Mr Wetzel.

He got short stacked and never really could recover. He tried to make a move against Mike White and pushed all-in with A-10, against any random big blind hand it would be the best hand. However, White woke up with a hand tabling A-A. The board ran out without helping Fazzone and he was eliminated in 6th place. A very disappointing finish for him considering he guaranteed victory before the tourney. Like I promised I must refer to him as Anthony Smith due to his ridiculous performance following his guarantee. As you can see he couldnt even put a middle finger up in the air for us, he just kept his head down on the table. I think he might have even been crying for a few minutes.

As I said prior to the tournament, Sympson had a great chance to win this pending he doesnt get very unlucky. Well he didnt get totally unlucky but under the circumstances he shouldnt have been eliminated the way he was. Sympson was 2nd short stack at the time with 5 people left. He put in a small preflop raise with 8-8. Will Hanlon makes the call with Q-9 of diamonds. Flop comes 8d-10d-2s giving Sympson middle set and Will straight and flush draws. Both guys eventually got it all-in. The turn card was magical for Will as it was a diamond. The river card didnt help Sympson and he was out in 5th place. He was so pissed off we couldnt even get a bust out picture from him. Sorry.

We were now down to our final 4 players. Here were the chip counts with 4 players left.
1. Mike White $100,000
2. Will Hanlon $50,000
3. Brent Kantaras $33,000
4. Ryan Polito $17,000

These 4 people stayed in together for over 2 hours. I got up to about $25,000 and got my money in great when Kantaras went all-in on a flop of 7-6-2. I called with A-7 and was way ahead of Brent's 7-3. However, as my luck would have it the turn card brought a 3 and I was crippled. Had I won that hand I would have been up to about $65,000 with 3 people left. Instead I was left with just $4,000 chips with blinds at $1,000-$2,000. I went all in with Q-8 next hand a made a flush. Then won a big pot by going all-in with 4-4 preflop only to see Mike White fold 9-9. I worked my stack from $4,000 up to almost $50,000. I saw numerous opportunities to get into the money, but on a Brent Kantaras all-in I saw Mike White fold 8-8. White would have won the hand and knocked out Kantaras, which makes it about the third hand Kantaras could have been busted out on...but it was not to be. After 2 hours of playing 4-handed the end eventually came for me.

After many exciting hands and a ton of drama we finally got down to 3 players. I started the hand with about $30,000 in chips with blinds at $1500-$3000. I called a preflop raise from Will and saw a flop. The flop came down J-8-10, a great flop for my Q-J. I checked it thinking I was trapping and got Will to bet. I check raised all-in and got a quick call from Will. Will tables K-J and I was very unlucky and in bad shape. Of course no help from the turn and river and sadly my amazing comeback had ended. I also would have put money on myself finishing 1 out of the money before the tourney, its just the way ive been running lately. Oh well, I had about 8 or 9 beers in me when I got knocked out so I really wasnt as pissed off as I should have been.

In the end, his downfall was not calling me down with 9-9, and not calling Brent down with 8-8. As I said earlier we dealt those hands out and White would have won both hands which could have given him about $150,000 of the $200,000 total on the table. I didnt know how he played before the tournament, but I was very impressed with what I saw out of him. Kind of tight plays laying down 9-9 and 8-8 with only 4 people left, but still he played very solid and finished in the money. He will have better odds than 10-1 the next time I make odds for this kinda thing.

Brent got real lucky to get to heads-up, but other than couple of lucky hands he definitely earned his seat. He was about even in chips with Will when heads up started. Heads-up only lasted a couple of hands, with the last hand seeing Brent going all-in for $100,000 with 5-5. Will took a glance and loved what he saw. He called immediately and showed A-A. The rockets held up and Brent was eliminated.

Will played a great tournament and actually waited patiently for his crads to come. After taking all of Luke's chips earlier in the night, Will was mostly card dead the rest of the night but was able to survive due to the huge chip stack Luke supplied to him. I said that if Will kept his patience he was the favorite to take down the title and he did just that. There is no better way to win $125 than to look down at A-A heads-up when ur opponent has just pushed all-in.
He took advantage of his big hands, and carefully managed the table all night long. In the end Will stood above the rest and took home the title and is $125 richer because of it.

Congratulations to everyone who made the money and thanks to everyone who showed up and made it a great tournament. Whenever you guys wanna do it again ill be more than happy to host and/or write another blog about it. Thanks again and as always... Go Steelers. Go Cavs.
BASIC KNOWLEDGE..................

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Po's Poker Tournament Invitational

Hello and welcome to Po's poker tournament blog. Im creating this blog to let everyone know who is playing Friday night and a little bit about everyone playing in this tournament, as well as Vegas odds for everyone to win. If you dont like the picture I gave you... too bad. Before I preview each player I just wanna do some house cleaning on some other things. First off, everyone needs to be at my house by 6:30pm so we can start no later than 7pm. We have to start right on time or even a little earlier in order to have time to go out to the bars afterwards. Im anticipating the tourney to last in the neighborhood of 4 hours, give or take. Speaking of the bars, anyone who wants to leave their car at my house while we go to the bars thats fine. Also if ur coming to my house and can carpool with other people it would be appreciated. That way my street is not clogged with cars, and it will make going to the bars easier.

I am encouraging everyone to bring as much beer as they want, everyone should try to bring at least some alcohol (except you Wetzel because I owe you a 12-pack so that will be here ready for you). There will be a number of people showing up to my house just to hang out and not play so it should be a good time as the TVs will all have Cavs vs Warriors on them from 7-10. A special thanks to Mike Yatsco for letting me use his chips to combine with mine. Remarkably we have the exact same chip collection so everything will work out fine.

Okay, now on to the good stuff. After working hard in the lab ive come up with solid chip amounts and a perfect blind structure. Here are the chip statistics for the tournament...

- 10 people will be playing, in a one-table tournament
- Everyone will start out with $20,000 total in chips
- we will be using gray, green, blue, and red chips
- grays worth $25, greens $100, blues $500, reds $1000
- we will color up chips in accordance to the blind structure

BLIND STRUCTURE: blinds raise every 20 min
Level 1, 50-100
Level 2, 75-150
Level 3, 100-200
Level 4, 150-300
Level 5, 200-400
Level 6, 250-500
---color up chips, get rid of $25 gray chips---
Level 7, 300-600
Level 8, 400-800
Level 9, 500-1000
Level 10, 600-1200
Level 11, 800-1600
---color up chips, get rid of $100 green chips---
Level 12, 1000-2000
Level 13, 1500-3000
Level 14, 2000-4000
Level 15, 2500-5000

So there is your blind structure and chip amounts we will be using for the tournament. I dont anticipate it going that many levels, but in case it does we have to be ready. All blind levels and chip amounts will be printed out and posted on a big board for everyone to see in my basement.
The total buy-in will be $15 unless everyone agrees to make it $20. We will discuss it Friday night and ill have a prize pool once everyone decides. Either top 2 or 3 will get paid pending on the buy-in.

So now its finally time to profile the 10 players participating in the tournament. A picture, a small preview of each person, and their Vegas odds to take home the title. The winner will have their picture taken along with all the chips and the winning cards on display. The prestige that comes along with winning this tournament is large enough to change one's life (for a day or so). This is in no particular order, we will be drawing for seats on Friday night. Again remember be at my house by 6:30pm.

Yours truly, not really much I can say about myself because it would all sound like im a hardass. I consider myself a solid player and am coming off a 30-person tourney win at YSU. My odds of winning 2 straight high prestige tournaments arent great, but we will see. I am just one of the many Steelers fans who will be in attendance Friday night. It sure would be nice to see like the last 5 players left to be all Steelers fans. Im a fairly tight player but have no problem putting out a big bluff every once in a while (especially against Mr. Hallock). Bruce Ciccone has made it clear to me that he is showing up simply to rip on me, so hopefully ill have a lot of chips before he shows up, otherwise ill go on major TILT and be out quickly.

one word... AGGRESSIVE. I have never ever played with a player more aggressive than Yatsco. This kid doesnt mind over betting the pot on any flush or straight draw. He puts his chips in at an alarming rate and usually ends up winning the pot. He is a very solid player but his aggressive style also is his weakness. If you get stuck sitting with Yatsco on ur left, then you might as well as just quit because the worst seat in the house is having Yatsco on your left. If youre in the big blind and action is on Yatsco, you better be ready to defend that blind cause odds are very low youll be able to check that blind.

The hated Cowboys fan. He will probably have his gay Tony Homo jersey on just because he likes to piss people off. Nonetheless, he is also another solid poker player. However, if you show this kid a bluff he often gets really pissed and tries to bluff other people himself. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it is his downfall. He is a player who loves having home-house advantage. Usually that statement would make no sense, but it always seems like Hallock dominates everyone when we play at his house, but struggles everywhere else. We shall see how he does in Big Po's basement.

Well i got a text message from Wetzel today saying hes gonna play very gayly. Not sure if that means hes gonna be flirting with the guys at the table or if hes gonna play loose. Either way if Wetzel is focused he can beat anyone at the table. His downfalls are zoning out and losing chips when hes not paying attention to the game. If action ever stops for 30 sec or a minute, then action is usually on Wetzel who never has any clue its on him. If this happens just scream his name really loud and he will try to defend himself with, "WHAT? Is thinking allowed?" But he is getting a free 12 pack from me so he should be focused and have a good time.

The 2nd Steelers fan in this tourney. Whether its playing home games, playing at Mountaineer, or just playing online, this kid just loves the game of hold 'em. Loves to talk about it, loves to watch it, and loves to play it. Even though his results playing online are at best below average, you cant argue with his success playing live. Hes got every skill in the book to be a successful poker player and I would not be surprised at all to see him take this home. He has an undefeated tournament record when playing at my house, so we will see if he keeps that streak alive. He has already guaranteed a win on Friday night, so at the end of the night I will either call him Joe Namath or Anthony Smith.

The 3rd Steelers fan in this tourney. Never actually played poker with White, but Fiz tells me he can hold his own in any game at any time. He provided me with excellent seats and a ticket to the Steelers home opener this year against the Texans, so I can only return the favor by inviting him to play in Po's tourney. He really can be the wildcard in this tourney since I really dont know much about his game.

The 4th Steelers fan in this tourney. Just like with White, I also know very little about Brent's game. I know he has a long history of playing Texas Hold 'em so that should mean he will be no push-over. He also attend the Steelers home opener with me, so I also felt it necessary to give him an invite. If he ends up winning this tourney then it will count for many more invites in the future. His odds will also be uncertain since I have never ever played cards with him before.

Well for those of you who dont know this is my younger brother. He is a freshman at YSU and plays hold 'em at least once a week with the family, so he has the experience. Back in 2005, he was nicknamed ''the mechanic" by Will Hanlon for his amazing inability to deal. The first time he played with my friends Will started dying at the table because Luke's dealing style revealed pretty much eveyones cards to the whole table. He has improved his dealing since 2005, but still it will get interesting to see how long it will be until he has his first mis-deal. If he keeps his patience he can end up making a cinderella run to the final 4 or so, but odds are he will lose his patience and give away all his chips.

In my opinion he is the best player at the table. He has more experience playing high stakes cash games and tournaments than any of us. His win-loss record is 2nd to no one. He was born a gambler and is never afraid to get his chips in the middle. Every once in a while he will gamble too much and bust out first, but with the buy-in being jacked up a little higher I feel he will play way above the rim on Friday. If you ask him, he may also try to get you to buy-a-block for this years Superbowl. He is my overall favorite to win the title.

The 5th and final Steelers fan in the tournament. This makes 5 out of the 10 players diehard Steelers fans. Should be a lot of interesting table talk with the Steelers having such a good season so far at 8-3. In total we have 5 Steelers fans, 1 Cowboys fan, 1 Dolphins fan, 1 Browns fan, 1 Texans fan, and Yatsco. I actually think Yatsco is a Bengals fan, but these days I dont think he would be happy to admit that. But anyways back to Sympson, everytime I play with Sympson it seems like he makes the money. He doesnt win everytime but he always seems to go deep then get unlucky. If luck is on his side Friday, he could easily be taking his picture with all the chips at the end. And if so, hopefully he gives us a big ''joey'' as well.

Well that concludes the blog, remember carpool if you can, bring beer, come in through my garage and into the basement, $15 buy-in unless everyone agrees on $20, and be at my house by 6:30pm... dont end up pulling a Yatsco and show up a half-hour late or I will murder you. Peace. Go Steelers. Go Cavs.
BASIC KNOWLEDGE.................